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"Be a true traveller, don't be a temporary tourist" ― Amit Kalantri

Unique country

Indonesia is the fourth-largest Asian country, made up of 18,307 islands.
It is the second worldwide with regard to coastline length, with a staggering 54,716km.

Instagram recently revealed that it's capital, Jakarta, is the city in the world most frequently geotagged in its Stories format.

Heaven for nature lovers

Indonesia is one of the 17 countries in the world considered "megadiverse", possessing a vast number of different especies. As of 2002, there were at least 515 species of mammals, 929 species of birds, and over 29,300 species of plants throughout the country.

The bridge between Asia and Australia formed by the archipelago is reflected in the varieties of animal life.

8 World Heritage Sites

Komodo National Park, home to the world's largest lizard, the rainforests of Sumatra, home to scores of orangutans, and the spectacular temple complex of Borobudur.

Lorentz National Park, another of the country’s Unesco World Heritage sites, on the island of Papua, is vast – covering 9,674 square miles – and home to a huge array of ecosystems, including mangroves, rainforest, alpine tundra and equatorial glaciers.

Land of volcanoes

Indonesia has the third most volcanoes in the world, behind the US and Russia. The volcanic island of Krakatoa, between Java and Sumatra, is perhaps the most famous.

A base for trips to the summit of Mount Bromo, Cemoro Lawang appears to sit on the edge of the world. The landscapes are spectacular – many say the most spectacular in Indonesia – and the region is home to the fascinating Hindu Tengger community, distinct from the predominantly Muslim lowland Javanese.

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